Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Introducing WISSUP-Uncensored

Are you tired of Ginny Maziarka's censorship of your comments at WISSUP?

Me too.

That's why I created a new blog, WISSUP-Uncensored, where each of Ginny's posts will be linked to, with a brief introduction, providing and open comment policy for you to discuss her rhetoric free from moderation.

(I originally was going to republish each of her posts verbatim, but I -- reluctantly -- decided to honor her intellectual property rights to her tired, worn out, ignorant rants. So, all you have is the title and a link to the original)

Check it out! WISSUP-Uncensored


  1. From the paper today. So this is where Ginny is headed now?

    "Library won’t seek funding to filter Web

    Surfing for porn a rare problem, director says

    Daily News Staff

    The West Bend Community Memorial Library will not apply for funding through the federal Child Internet Protection Act so that Internet filtering software would be installed on its 10 Internetaccess computers.
    Tuesday night, the Library Board voted unanimously not to act on a written request that it ask for CIPA funds. The request came from West Bend Citizens For Safe Libraries, the citizen group founded earlier this year by Ginny and Jim Maziarka from the town of West Bend, and was signed by the Maziarkas.
    The Maziarkas have led a campaign to have certain books in the young adult section of the library moved and labeled because of homosexual themes or sexual passages.
    A library using CIPA funding would be required to install such filtering software, which would limit a user’s ability to surf for pornographic material with that computer.
    “The specific request is we apply for funds so we would be eligible for (the filters),” said John Aynesworth, the Library Board’s vice chairman.
    CIPA funds would be used to pay for discounted Internet access (called e-rate) or for internal connection costs, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
    “We don’t need to do that because we get our Internet connection through our (Mid-Wisconsin Federated Library) System, which gets it from the state,” said Michael Tyree, library director. “We do get an e-rate discount.”
    As for people surfing the Web for porn on a library computer, it is not a common problem, Tyree said.
    In his 10 years as library director, he said, perhaps 12 incidents have occurred, “if that.”
    Each time, the offender is asked to leave the library — police are called if necessary — and that person’s library Internet access is curtailed, six months for a first offense, a year for a second. A letter is sent to the individual with a copy sent to the police, Tyree said.
    To use the library’s Internet access computers, someone must have a library card with an Internet use sticker on it, Tyree said.
    The last time someone was asked to leave the library because of inappropriate Web surfing occurred two months ago, Tyree said.
    “All of the computers can be seen from the reference desk,” he said, and library staff does keep an eye on computer use.
    In the 27-library Mid-Wisconsin Federated Library System only two have such “porn” filters on some of their computers, Tyree said, computers located in those libraries’ children's sections. “We don’t have computers in our children’s section.”
    A filter also has to be turned off if someone requests that to research a legitimate subject that could be limited because of the filter, Tyree explained.
    The filters only affect the computers in which they are installed, and not personal laptops brought in to the library to use the building’s WIFI access, said Sue Cantrell, assistant library director."

    1) Ginny, why would you want the library to ask for these funds that have been taken from hardworking, straight taxpayers like yourself. Isn't this the kind of sucking at the government teat that Christian Conservatives like yourselves despise? Sounds like "spreading it around" to me.

    2) Ginny dear, what makes you think you know how to better run a library than someone who went to school for it and has years of experience? Were it left to you the library would end up looking like some kind of Christian bookstore. Why don't you and Jimmy just open one up and leave us all alone?

  2. Check out where http://www.ginnymaziarka.com/ leads now.

  3. how horrible is it that I WANT THAT MUG?

  4. The oval sticker is my personal favorite, but I'll take one of each.

  5. Isn't it ironic that the mug with her "mug" on it comes in the "Large" size?

  6. You know what drives me insane? The way Ginny tosses around the term "taxpayers" as if it means anything at all.

  7. Just read the Daily News today. When is Ginny going to start a crusade against the paper for all the pictures of High School girls volleyball players they run? Seeing them day after day in their tight shorts is nothing more than sexualizing children. Something really needs to be done about it.

    Why doesn't she just run for "Mayer"?

  8. DanBack, I don't think Ginny would have a problem with that, so long as it's only boys & men finding such images sexual (if my wife looked like Ginny, I would need to look for pictures that reflect feminine characteristics). Now, if lesbians were found to be enjoying the pictures, I'm sure Ginny would want access to the Daily News restricted at the library. She may be manly looking, but she doesn't have the balls to take on the News directly. Her targets tend to be public sector employes, who more or less have to take crap from people like her. Because she is a "taxpayer" - as if no one else is.

    As to running for "Mayer", if she gets past the lack of City of West Bend residency requirement, I'm sure she would fit right in on the "Common Sense Citizens of Washington County" slate - another group who thinks they are "unique" because they are "taxpayers":

  9. Honored her IP rights? Really? But I have proof that you violated her IP rights when you used that picture without permission on your cafe press shit. Documented proof.

  10. First, as has been noted before, that site is not mine. In fact, I think someone else publicly took credit for it in comments.

    Second, the image used is not Ginny's intellectual property. It is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's.

    SO please, shut up until you know what you're talking about.
